Red Bull Hitlist App

The Hitlist is a goal management app concept for the Austrian energy drink giant, Red Bull. The product offers users a structured way to track and visualize goals with the edge and energy that the Reb Bull brand represents – Giving them wings. My team and I created the concept’s information architecture, UX/UI, and a sizzle reel to promote the app.

We offered users the ability to start a new goal from scratch or choose from athletes’ or community pre-populated ones. After each milestone, the users could share their progress on social media. And at the goal’s completion, the user was rewarded with a comprehensive shareable timeline of their experience. We also provided exclusive Red Bull content to inspire, inform, and support users along their journey. We then created a demo reel for the last phase of the project, showcasing the user flow and interface micro-interactions utilizing motion graphics and 3D techniques.

Play App Sizzle Reel

Red Bull Hitlist App

The Hitlist is a goal management app concept for the Austrian energy drink giant, Red Bull. The product offers users a structured way to track and visualize goals with the edge and energy that the Reb Bull brand represents – Giving them wings. My team and I created the concept’s information architecture, UX/UI, and a sizzle reel to promote the app.

We offered users the ability to start a new goal from scratch or choose from athletes’ or community pre-populated ones. After each milestone, the users could share their progress on social media. And at the goal’s completion, the user was rewarded with a comprehensive shareable timeline of their experience. We also provided exclusive Red Bull content to inspire, inform, and support users along their journey. We then created a demo reel for the last phase of the project, showcasing the user flow and interface micro-interactions utilizing motion graphics and 3D techniques.

Play App Sizzle Reel