More Moments More Memories Foundation

The More Moments More Memories Foundation was established by two sisters who experienced the hardships of cancer in their family, and dedicated their time and effort to make a difference in the lives of others. With a mission of providing grants that give more people access to oncological clinical trials for potentially life-saving treatments, the Foundation has helped hundreds across the United States since 2017. And shows no signs of slowing down in the fight against cancer.

To expand the reach of its work, the Foundation needed a responsive website that had many functions. To promote the treatment grants, share the stories of the founders and patients who were helped, make a case for its impact on the lives of cancer patients and their families, and raise donations from the public and private sector.

My team was selected to create the project’s user experience and visual design. As a grandson of a cancer patient that lost her life after many battles, this project’s importance was personal. We worked closely with content strategists and writers to deliver clickable wireframes showcasing the structure and testing the user flow. The visual design was based on colorful gradients symbolizing hope and aligning with the Foundation’s brand. We relied on micro animations and a light, breathable interface, delivering a clean and easy-to-navigate website to support those in need.

The Results →

More Moments More Memories Foundation

The More Moments More Memories Foundation was established by two sisters who experienced the hardships of cancer in their family, and dedicated their time and effort to make a difference in the lives of others. With a mission of providing grants that give more people access to oncological clinical trials for potentially life-saving treatments, the Foundation has helped hundreds across the United States since 2017. And shows no signs of slowing down in the fight against cancer.

To expand the reach of its work, the Foundation needed a responsive website that had many functions. To promote the treatment grants, share the stories of the founders and patients who were helped, make a case for its impact on the lives of cancer patients and their families, and raise donations from the public and private sector.

My team was selected to create the project’s user experience and visual design. As a grandson of a cancer patient that lost her life after many battles, this project’s importance was personal. We worked closely with content strategists and writers to deliver clickable wireframes showcasing the structure and testing the user flow. The visual design was based on colorful gradients symbolizing hope and aligning with the Foundation’s brand. We relied on micro animations and a light, breathable interface, delivering a clean and easy-to-navigate website to support those in need.

The Results →

Wireframing & Prototyping

We started our process by wireframing the experience, ensuring the page content and functionalities were aligned with patients, donors, and the Foundation's needs.

The Results


Grants awarded since launch


Average grant awarded

5X more

Number of Grant Requests

More Moments More Memories Foundation Logo

“Thank you so much for the time and talent you and your team dedicated to our website project. Your care for this cause is evident in the beautiful and functional experience you’ve created for our patients. We are so grateful to have had you on our team! Thank you for making the process so simple for us and for creating just what we needed!”

– More Moments More Memories Foundation

The Results


Grants awarded since launch


Average grant awarded

5X more

Number of grant requests

More Moments More Memories Foundation Logo

“Thank you so much for the time and talent you and your team dedicated to our website project. Your care for this cause is evident in the beautiful and functional experience you’ve created for our patients. We are so grateful to have had you on our team! Thank you for making the process so simple for us and for creating just what we needed!”

– More Moments More Memories Foundation